About the Trust

Mr. Curtis created the Philip C. Curtis Charitable Trust for the Encouragement of Art. His intention was to encourage artists of all ages, support the arts in general, and continue to share his art with new and broader audiences beyond his lifetime. It is our goal to share the collection of works in the Trust with museums, universities and other educational institutions. If your organization is interested in exhibiting the work of Philip C. Curtis, please contact us.
If you personally anticipate, or know of anyone who may consider the potential gift of a Curtis painting, the Trust would like to know about it. We are also developing our provenance database.
Contributions to our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization are tax-deductible and will support the encouragement of artists of all ages and the legacy of Philip C. Curtis.

You can help the Trust honor Philip C. Curtis’s life and legacy in various ways:
If you personally anticipate, or know of anyone who may consider the potential gift, loan, or sale of a Curtis painting, the Trust would like to know about it. We seek to expand our permanent collection for historical significance, scholarly research and exhibition. We are also developing our provenance database.
If your museum or gallery is interested in exhibiting the work of Philip C. Curtis, please contact us.